See what clients are saying!

Extreme Back Pain Shooting down Leg and Foot, Herniated Disc & Drop Foot

I have been in excruciating pain from a collapsed and herniated disc in my back.  The pain is the likes of which I’ve never felt shooting down my leg and into my foot. I was “open” to acupuncture, as it had been helpful to me in the past.  I do believe that is a must! If you are going to try it, believe in it, be positive about doing it, and be grateful for the thousands of years of tried and true application of this practice in helping to stave off pain, heal illness, etc.

Through my acupuncture treatments with Mary Beth I was also under the care of an MD, DO who told me the injury was a serious one and had caused me to have a drop foot.  That was scary. He was a good doctor and gave me the information I needed to make informed decisions. Although hearing that news made the pain worse for I knew it was not good news and my mind wandered a lot.  I was in so much pain and tried a variety of prescribed medications to assist with managing the pain, but they didn’t really help and the side effects were tough and I have children at home and a full time job so being loopy was a tough option.  So, I really counted on Mary Beth and boy did she deliver.

Mary Beth is 100% confident in her practice and methods.  Even though my back injury was rather severe, she knew she could help with the pain as I decided whether to proceed with surgery or not with less pain and a clearer head. The shooting firing neurological pain was unending and the nights so long until on or about my 3rd visit with Mary Beth.  The first 2 visits definitely helped, but by the third visit I was going for long periods of time without much pain, and than by the 5th visit I was able to sleep through the night and didn’t even need tylenol during the day. It was remarkable.

I have been advised to proceed with the surgery for the “drop-foot” is a serious and time is of the essence with this injury/nerve healing etc., and the chance it may be irreversible so I will, but I will certainly go to Mary Beth Pre and Post Op to help with the healing time.

Go, don’t hesitate! – If you have the chance, do it without reservation. Mary Beth is an extremely talented medical professional.

                                                                                                                            – Age 56


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Back Pain, Weight Loss, Digestive Issues, Acne, and Migraines

Mary Beth is an exceptional practitioner who understood the complexity of my symptoms and patiently addressed everything I brought her. From chronic fatigue syndrome, back pain, GI complications, to weight loss, acne and migraines, she has treated EVERY curve ball I have thrown at her with knowledge, compassion and persistence. She has been a valued part of my treatment team and a turning point in my recovery.

-R.R., Age 25

Chronic Back Pain-Spinal Stenosis

Chronic pain from my spinal stenosis was not only debilitating physically it was also debilitating mentally. Every muscle in my body was under stress fighting my pain. It was impossible to relax or rest. The chronic pain from my spinal stenosis was exhausting.

The exploration of alternative treatment of acupuncture has been a tremendous blessing in my life: the blessing has been pain relief and relaxation once again. Amazing. My quality of life has been restored beyond belief. Thank you acupuncture, and a very big thank you to Mary Beth Hassett. It has been a mind, body, and spiritual revolution in my life.

—A.B., Age 70

Acupuncture for ChildrenMaine-Midcoast-Accupuncture-Chinese--63

As soon as I walk out the door, I want to turn around and go right back in.

—A.B., Freeport, Age 8


Acute Prostatitis

After a painful night in the emergency room my urologist conceded that the next step would be prostate surgery. I knew Mary Beth had relieved my low back pain (of some 30 years), and when I told her of my latest prognosis she worked quickly and diligently with acupuncture and the right combination of herbs to treat my acute condition. Now, instead of six weeks of surgical recovery, I’m back to “work” and feeling better than I have in years.

—B.V., Bath, Age 79

Menstrual Issues – Ovulatory pain, Hot flashes


I first sought out acupuncture four years ago or better. Mary Beth was recommended to me by a friend when I was suffering from injuries due to a bad fall I had taken. I was so impressed with the relief I felt after my first visit that I soon returned to Mary Beth. This time Mary Beth was focusing on my long time symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, and severe pain during my ovulation cycle. I was also, at age 42, experiencing inconsistent menstrual cycles. I thought because of my age this was normal. Mary Beth assured me this was not the case.

After just one treatment, the hot flashes and night sweats diminished. A few more treatments and an herbal supplement, my menstrual cycles returned to normal, the flashes and night sweats disappeared completely and I no longer experience pain with ovulation. Every now and then I return to Mary Beth for what I call a tune up when I start to experience any of these symptoms and they usually disappear after one session. Acupuncture has made a world of difference in the quality of my life.

—B.B., Bowdoin, Age 49

 Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Much More

I was afraid of needles, not sure acupuncture worked and knew nothing of Chinese Herbal Medicine.  But after 6-8 weeks of abnormal uterine bleeding in the winter/spring of 2010, several trips to the doctor, heavy duty medication and a recommendation for either more meds or a surgical procedure I finally took the advice of a friend who had been telling me I needed to find a good acupuncturist .  And the rest as they say is history.  After my first visit to Mary Beth, and a combination of acupuncture and herbs, the bleeding slowed and stopped within 48 hours.  (When I returned to my doctor she could not believe the results and has since used my story to help others.)  Since that day in April 2010 I have continued to see Mary Beth on and off for various issues.  These have included dry eye, back and arm pain, knee pain, sinus issues, stress and sometimes just the need to get the balance back in my life.  Each and every time Mary Beth has helped me… sometimes along with more traditional medical interventions (as with my dry eye) and sometimes without.   I can honestly say the quality of my life is better with Mary Beth in it and I recommend her to everyone I know.  Acupuncture and Mary Beth are one of the very best gifts I give to me.  She helps me feel better, live healthier and thus be happier.  I relax the moment I walk through her door and leave feel reconnected to a deeper part of myself, relaxed and rejuvenated.  And as far as that fear of needles goes it is a non-issue, I now see those needles as some of my best friends.

— M.H-R., Topsham age 55


I began seeing Mary Beth for acupuncture after back surgery. I have continued seeing her for six years now because of the deep and long-lasting improvements to my overall health. The use of Chinese Herbal Medicine has allowed me to manage asthma without prescription medications and my other bodily systems are functioning at a higher level of wellness. Mary Beth’s approach to health goes beneath surface symptoms to address the inner, root causes of illness. She continues to offer me the gifts of self-knowledge and energetic balance.



Prior to my encounter with acupuncture I had been stressed-out and suffering from severe acne. After trying about fifteen different acne products as well as a doctor’s prescription, Mary Beth was my last hope.

With the right combination of a few herbs, a series of acupuncture treatments, and a change in diet; my skin began to clear up. Mary Beth not only saved my skin from further damage but ultimately gave me confidence, Mary Beth has improved my life.

—D.L., Bowdoin, Age 16

Chronic Sinusitis

My experience with Mary Beth Hassett has been exceptional. For years I’ve bounced around the Western medicine and alternative routes looking for answers to my nebulous issues. Mary Beth helped me cut through the clutter and find answers. She is extremely knowledgeable and thorough.

It is refreshing to find a health professional with such a high level of dedication and interest in an individual’s well being. It is rare and beyond value.

For decades I had chronic sinus infections. When antibiotics no longer Maine-Midcoast-Accupuncture-Chinese--14worked, I was desperate and found my way here. I’m only sorry I allowed my fear of needles and lack of knowledge on Chinese medicine to stop me from coming sooner. The needles are no big deal, even for a chicken like me.

And I now find Chinese medicine fascinating, thorough, and individual-specific — something which is lacking in Western medicine. I’m happy to report that my sinus issues are under control and several other issues are rapidly improving under Mary Beth’s watchful care. I’ve learned that acupuncture is for general well being as well as specific issues. Mary Beth is now part of my wellness team.

—D.P., Portland, Age 50


Mary Beth was instrumental in helping to not only regulate my menstrual cycle, but, I believe, in helping me get pregnant almost immediately. Additionally, my labor was incredibly fast for a first-time mother (only 8 hours) and very easy. I am constantly recommending acupuncture to friends who are trying to get pregnant, or who want an easier labor.

—S.J., Boston, MA, Age 40

My husband and I had been trying to get pregnant for about 6 years.  We tried going the medical route (hormones, IUI, etc.) which only caused us both more stress.  In August of 2007, I met with Mary Beth Hassett for the first time.  I knew nothing about acupuncture except that it was supposed to be very relaxing.

Within 3 months I was pregnant!  I miscarried again but it wasn’t painful at all this time.  It’s now October of 2008 and we are almost 7 months pregnant!  I’m still seeing Mary Beth at least once a month and loving it.  I’m having a wonderful, happy pregnancy and I know it’s because of her help and support.  Not only is she great at what she does, but she has a fun, upbeat and caring personality.

—M.T., Freeport, Age 37

 Arthritis, Chronic Pain

Let me ask you a question. Do you have chronic pain? I did and I was taking two different pain medicines. I had this problem for several years. Because of this pain I had one hip and both knees replaced. My problem has been arthritis and has been for several years. Live with it? No you cannot – pain will keep you up all night; keep you from walking or moving around freely.

As an engineer I’m used to problems, causes, and solutions. I heard of acupuncture, checked with some folks that had the therapy, and decided to try it. When you have severe pain, you will look for any method to reduce or eliminate the pain. So, I went into acupuncture tongue-in-cheek. After two sessions I went off the pain medication, and have not used it since. It worked for me.

I continued treatments to rid the numbness in both lower legs. This too is working, and my hope is to completely regain the feeling in my legs. I can look forward to ridding myself of my wheelchair and forearm crutch and getting around in a normal manner.

—J.H., Pownal, Age 74

Back Pain, Digestive Issues

I live in Topsham, Maine, and I am 84 years old I came to acupuncture over 10 years ago, a thorough skeptic, with back and digestive problems that had baffled a dozen medical specialists. Acupuncture aided my recovery from both long-term aggravations, and made me a thorough believer. My current acupuncturist, Mary Beth Hassett, follows in the best tradition of those baffling-yet-effective practitioners, one who also continues to hold the secret of cure for the common cold.

—K.W., Topsham, Age 84




I had received news form an orthopaedic surgeon that I had tendinitis in my writes of my dominant hand and that cortisone shots and eventually surgery would be the only answer. Refusing both and opting for a thumb brace recommended by the surgeon, I wore the brace for six weeks and my wrist and thumb became completely immobile and weak. I was forced to write left-handed. As a last resort I went to Mary Beth.

Four treatments later, I had removed the brace completely and started using my wrist again. By the six treatment, I no longer had problems and continue to be free of problems.

As part of my initial consultation with Mary Beth she asked for a complete medical history. I answered questions that I have never been asked before by any doctor. I believed that she was really interested in my health. I have many other health issues that I have lived with for most of my life, including fairly severe psoriasis. Expecting to be only treated for my wrist, I was surprised that Mary Beth was very interested in treating my psoriasis and other health concerns.

I have now been seeing Mary Beth for a year and a half and my psoriasis is 99% clear and for the first time in my life I don’t feel as though it is just temporary. I lost faith in conventional medicine years ago after numerous doctor visits where I was put through arduous testing, thousands of dollars later, then sent on my way with pills or cream to treat my symptoms, but not my conditions.

Acupuncture has, without a doubt, worked for me, but beyond that I also credit Mary Beth for being an extremely positive person and her impassioned certainty that she can help you is infectious.

—L.B., West Bath, Age 44

Stress, Immunity, Tooth Pain & Back Pain

I initially came to Mary Beth for a variety of stress related issues. Within a short period of time, my body calmed, sleep improved, and immune system felt tougher. Then, in the spring, a tooth became painfully inflamed. My dentist prescribed Ibuprofen and a root canal. I consulted Mary Beth, hoping acupuncture would ease some of the pain. Amazingly, within an hour of treatment, the pain reduced dramatically and continued to subside over the next week. By the end of a month, the tooth calmed to the point that root canal was postponed until the fall.

—M.S., Georgetown, Age 61

A Knot in the Back

Due to a childhood injury, a knot of muscles had formed in my back, becoming tighter with the years, and causing a great deal of discomfort when touched. Mary Beth understood the problem immediately, and started treating it very successfully. Every session saw improvement, and we need only a few more to eliminate the problem. I feel so much better, and am very thankful to Mary Beth.

—M.L., Bath, Age 81

Clarity of MindMaine-Midcoast-Accupuncture-Chinese-3

By reducing stress, acupuncture treatments from Mary Beth allow me to get in touch with the clarity of my mind.

—V.M., Portland, Age 44

Knee Pain

A year ago I was in a very bad accident in which I injured my knee. Mary Beth was right there for me from the beginning; she worked on me from the hospital room, through my stay in a nursing home rehab, to my own bedroom at home, until I was able to make it to her office. She has used all her skills from needles to tincture to herbs to energy work with an unrelenting dedication to my well-being. I am about 95% better, but Mary Beth will not let me give up until, as she says, “I’m her ol’ Vivian again!”

—V.F., South Portland, Age 76

Piriformis Syndrome, Fatigue, MS

Having had a series of major surgeries and facing yet another to correct a painful condition known as Piriformis Syndrome, I decided to “try” acupuncture as a last resort.  Anything to avoid another surgery!  Piriformis syndrome is similar to Sciatica — excruciating neurological pain from the lower back/ buttock to the toes that intensifies rapidly.  I should also mention that I have MS so I have had neurological issues/pain, fatigue and exhaustion on a daily basis but this latest problem was extremely painful.

Enter Mary Beth! After my very first weekly session, the pain diminished noticeably and that relief lasted for days.  I continued to come for weekly sessions, applied a poultice for severe pain (recommended and provided by Mary Beth) and the results were nothing short of amazing.  The acupuncture sessions also increased my MS-related energy and stamina issues as time went on.

I am extremely grateful for Mary Beth’s spot-on treatments and continue to enjoy their benefits.  I urge you to give acupuncture a try if you’ve never considered it before.  It really DOES work and Mary Beth is nothing short of phenomenal in honing in on the problems, and quickly identifies other related but not troublesome problems that are overshadowed by the major issue.” Thank you again, Mary Beth.  I look forward to returning for sporadic “tune-ups” as necessary!”

—W.L., Brunswick, Age 69

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia! It’s as bad as it sounds, but at least is was good to have a diagnosis to explain why I had been having 5-7 headaches every day for several weeks. Before starting medication (with possible drowsiness) and a visit to a neurologist, I skeptically visited Mary Beth Hassett for acupuncture. After one treatment, my skepticism vanished as I was completely relieved of headaches and they’ve never returned. That was over a year ago and I continue to thank Mary Beth for this “almost unbelievable” cure.

—J.H., Retired Clinical Psychologist, Freeport, Age 86

Allergies, Low Energy

For many years I have been treated for allergies and sinus infections with every conceivable allergy medication and antibiotic. I never would have imagined in my wildest dreams that I could be allergy free without all these traditional allopathic medicines. Then I found Mary Beth! In a matter of 4 months I am now completely off all traditional allergy medicines. The combination of acupuncture and taking a few Chinese Herbs every day and voila…I am free of allergy symptoms. My energy is so much more even and balanced and I have an ongoing sense of well-being. Mary Beth is a wise, gentle woman who knows her stuff!

—D.C., Brunswick, Age 63

Spondylolisthesis, Vertigo, Tinnitus, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

I am a “lifer” when it comes to selecting acupuncture as a part of my body’s support system. My tale seems like a saga which spans over 18 years of my life.

First at age 40ish I was diagnosised with a small fracture in my lower back (L1-S1) or what is commonly called spondylolisthesis. This fracture can slip in and out causing extreme muscular pain and radiating symptoms going down my legs. Acupuncture miraculously alleviates the pain and restores my ability to become human again. It allows me to reduce using muscle relaxers which cloud my mind and won’t let me drive. Time and again I have gone to Mary Beth knowing that I can feel responsible for my own health decisions without being on constant medication. Acupuncture has given me a choice and allowed me to reject having recommended back surgery.

As the aging process proceeded, my body started to have age related symptoms like positional vertigo and ear ringing or tinnitus. Oh yeah! I had dizziness and ringing in the ears at the same time. These are annoying physical experiences and the medical world responded by telling me that I would just have to live with them. I no longer have vertigo and occasionally have a slight ringing in my ears when I get a cold. Mary Beth has worked hard to alleviate these persistent issues. I am so thankful to now have inner quiet and balance for on-going yoga exercises.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I ended up in the hospital with a diverticulitis attack. I was prescribed a double dose of heavy antibiotics that eventually created stomach problems and left me with a reoccurring IBS problem. With the love and support from Mary Beth Hassett, many phone calls later, I received recommendations of a food plan, acidophilus, and fewer antibiotics. Finally, I found guidance and relief from the frustration of being overwhelmed from extreme medications.

What I’ve learned over these many years of being involved with the medical field and acupuncture that there is an alternative method of support to relieve pain, aging complications and a way to support my on-going health. I am fortunate to have found a competent and caring provider who is dedicated to finding answers and is always about my well being.

Thank-you Mary Beth Hassett.

—J.K., Pownal, age 65

Hypothyroidism, Menopause and Allergies

Mary Beth Hassett’s focused and dedicated practice has immeasurably improved my life since I began working with her about 6 years ago. Her holistic approach to my concerns, including menopausal discomfort, allergies, and muscle soreness addressed these individual problems while strengthening my overall health. Moreover, Mary Beth’s careful research and specialized treatments allowed me to heal my thyroid condition without resorting to any synthetic hormone. Using acupuncture and custom-designed herbal formulas, Mary Beth guided me through a successful healing process, one that avoided the major symptoms of hypothyroidism while my body returned to normal functioning. My endocrinologist was shocked by the quick resolution of the disease as well as my general good health while I recovered. I am shocked that more people with thyroid issues don’t try alternative therapies before going on life-long pharmaceuticals.

—L.C., Portland, age 59

Chronic Flu, Neuralgia

I originally went to see Mary Beth because I was too frustrated with Western medicine.  I had been sick for months with flu-like symptoms and a nagging trigeminal neuralgia that I was told was untreatable.  My primary care doctor did a blood test and saw an alarming sign that something was wrong.  I had a high level reading of something <?> indicating fast growing tumor.  I went to a neurologist, had a radiated MRI brain scan.  It was fine.  Went to GYN had uterine biopsy.  It was fine.  Breast biopsy.  It was fine.  I was still feeling sick and for weeks had a clogged ear that affected my equilibrium.  I begged for antibiotics but the doctors didn’t think it was bacterial.  They wanted to send me to more specialists in Boston.  I was thinking more x-rays was a bad idea.  I was beside myself when a friend suggested Mary Beth and what would it hurt.  The first visit, she permanently cured my nightly neuralgia pain and opened my ear that had been clogged for weeks.  My second visit, the flu symptoms disappeared.  She explained that I could give her a laundry list of problems but in the end, her treatment addresses the whole body.  I work with computers (system’s analyst) and deal with solving problems using logic, my whole career.  What Mary Beth does just didn’t seem logical to me.  She told me I didn’t have to believe in it, just show up.  That was five years ago.  One of those doctors I saw five years ago told me I wouldn’t last six months. I haven’t been back to see a doctor since.  At the beginning, I saw Mary Beth on a very regular basis.  At first, twice a week, then it went to twice a month and after maybe six months I transitioned to once a month as a preventative method ever since.  If I feel something coming on I might fit in an extra visit.  I can’t explain it, but I know it has made a huge difference in my life.  I’ve never watched her insert a needle – I hate needles.  I’ve learned to calm down, relax, close my eyes and just let the magic work.  It’s amazing.  You don’t even need to believe in it.  Mary Beth – Thank you with all my heart!

—C.L., / Freeport, ME

Chronic Headaches, Neck Pain

I have suffered with headaches all my life. They had gotten worse in the fall of 2017. After Thanksgiving when I injured my neck, they became so frequent that they began to affect the quality of my life. My primary care physician suggested I try acupuncture. Though I was initially somewhat skeptical, I began seeing Mary Beth in January of 2018. The number of headaches I suffered dropped from eleven in December, to four in January, and two in February. Mary Beth also helped my neck problems that were probably part of the problem. Along the way she healed an old shoulder injury enough so that I could begin lifting weights again. Her suggestions and treatments also improved the quality of my sleep, and helped me break a thirty year habit of snacking in front of the TV every night.

The time she took to listen to me and to get to know me was beyond what I had come to expect from medical professionals. I learned a lot from Mary Beth, and under her care this seventy year old man doesn’t feel so old anymore.

—D.W., / Brunswick, ME

Substance Abuse Recovery

Recovery is a dynamic process of re-appraisal and self commitment. In the early phases of my journey to a more complete existence it was clear that I needed to re-set my body’s physical dependencies while also reestablishing my mind-body relationship. In the depths of my substance abuse, my body and mind became separate entities; neither healthy. In order to achieve the type of presence and holistic existence I desired, I knew I needed a facilitator. Acupuncture became one of those facilitators, treating my body in its physical recovery; while allowing my mind to reopen pathways. This reestablished confidence in my physical being. In retrospect I feel my initial recovery would have been a far more trying experience if not for the treatment I received from Mary Beth Hassett.

—D.R., / Falmouth, ME